The Business Agility Foundations ICP-BAF aims at beginning the transformation and transition of an organization and an individual towards a more responsive and value-driven reality.

Successful leaders create environments where innovation and excellence thrive, and where highly motivated individuals and teams are inspired to take the business to the next level.
Highly effective leaders adapt to any environment. Many leadership methodologies attempt to achieve this – with various degrees of success. Of these, the Situational Leadership II (SLII) model has proven to be one of, and arguably the most, successful of all.
SLII helps to create successful leaders by allowing them to build deep relationships with individuals and team members, while creating opportunities to inspire and motivate in a meaningful way.
Give your leaders the tools to Inspire, Transform & Grow your organization
SLII® is the most widely taught leadership model in the world. While most leaders utilize one leadership style, SLII® teaches leaders to use the appropriate leadership style in response to the needs of the person and the situation.
SLII helps to create successful leaders by allowing them to build deep relationships with individuals and team members. Building these connections and having the appropriate leadership toolkit will help them recognize and react to specific situations and behavior.
SLII helps managers increase performance & cohesion
Learn how to identify and address issues within the team. Speaking the same language will allow managers to turn issues into productive exchanges.
Learning how to match your leadership style to the needs of your people will create commited, happy and productive team members. Feeling heard and valued is important.
Collaboration is the ‘special sauce’ that can take organizations to the next level.Creating environments where teams can collaborate and thrive will lead to innovation & creativity.
The Situational Leadership II (SLII) model has proven to be one of, and arguably the most, successful of all leadership models.
Being easy to understand and apply, it gives managers the tools to diagnose team members’ competence and commitment. This in turn determines what leadership style is most effective to help them succeed.
Inherent to the success of the SLII model is the effective, practical, and engaging way in which it is taught. One of the best methods is through the SLII Leadership Experience, which relies on a combination of various teaching channels, easy access, and practical, real-world implementation and support.
SLII™ can be delivered face-to-face, virtually, online, or as a combination of learning modalities. Contact us today to learn more about how you can use SLII to empower your leaders to build meaningful connections that drive exponential impact. Have any questions? Email us.
The Business Agility Foundations ICP-BAF aims at beginning the transformation and transition of an organization and an individual towards a more responsive and value-driven reality.
The ICP-ACC certification allows gaining the skills, mindset, values, and responsibilities of an Agile coach. It eases the process of transforming Agile Practitioners to Agile Coaches in their organizations.